Cordless upright vacuum cleaner - how to choose? (TOP 5 popular models)

Overview of Wireless Vertical Vacuum Cleaners

Daniel Hess from Iowa received his first patent for a vacuum cleaner more than one hundred and fifty years ago. Since then, dust cleaning units have become more efficient, more powerful, smarter, more complicated. And, of course, more diverse. If there was one model in a store on a shelf, everything would be simple. And when are there dozens of them? How not to make a mistake, how to choose exactly what you need and at the same time not to overpay? For this, there are ratings and reviews. Today we look at the best cordless vacuum cleaners on the market.

Why exactly a vertical cordless vacuum cleaner? Everything is simple. Firstly, it is convenient. Remember how cursing everything in the world, after cleaning you stuffed your dusty friend into the pantry or under the bed. And he cleaned with all his pipes, corrugations and cords. And he certainly got up unexpectedly, disturbing everyone around him and breaking the established tetris. A vacuum cleaner without wires can simply be hung on a special hook to the wall or put in a closet. In any convenient place.

And "secondly" follows from the first. The shortage of living space will always be the scourge of a metropolis. And 60 sq. Cm, which are required to store the heroes of our today's review - the minimum fee for the possibility of dusting.

Cordless vacuum cleaner - compact and lightweight

So, let's consider the rating of the best vertical vacuum cleaners. The following models were selected for comparison: SAMSUNG VS6000, REDMOND RV-UR340 and REDMOND RV-UR360, DYSON V7 Parquet Extra and KITFORT KT-540. To most accurately compare models and their advantages - disadvantages, it is best to go through the "skills". In other words, we will see how each of these vacuum cleaners satisfies basic human needs.


Perhaps this is the most important indicator - it is believed that the more powerful the vacuum cleaner, the more dust it absorbs. So, it does its job well. Yes, for the sake of objectivity, it should be noted that ordinary vacuum cleaners have more watts than vertical ones. However, we need to honestly figure out if there is a need for super-space power? Of course, if you are going to vacuum the airfield, clean a huge mansion after repairs, or vacuum up the Freken Bock buns to feed your friend Carlson - then yes.

Carlson Vacuum Cleaner and Buns

If you just need to rid your usual apartment of dust - the power of vertical vacuum cleaners is quite enough for you. Among the tested models, the maximum indicator for DYSON is 100 W of suction power. A bit inferior to him is the REDMOND RV-UR360 with its 80 watts. But the price! REDMOND is almost TWO times cheaper. Other models froze at the turn of 25-35 watts. It is quite enough for a flat surface, but there is doubt whether this is enough to clean a carpet or a rug. Despite the fact that their price is comparable to REDMOND.

Model Power Price
DYSON V7 Parquet Extra 100 watts from 19 500 rubles
REDMOND RV-UR360 > 80 watts from 16 500 rubles
REDMOND RV-UR340 > 40 watts from 10 500 rubles
KITFORT KT-540 > 40 watts from 9 500 rubles
SAMSUNG VS6000 30 watts from 16 500 rubles

So, we have one very powerful and very expensive model. In addition, it is worth remembering that not always a powerful vacuum cleaner is a blessing. For example, if you clean furniture with a super-powerful vacuum cleaner, there is a risk of spoiling and even tearing upholstery sometimes. We also have two low-power models - and not to say that they are cheap - SAMSUNG, which is 3 times weaker than DYSON and two times weaker than REDMOND - costs almost like a star DYSON.

Vacuum cleaner at work

It turns out that by comparing the parameters “power-price” the optimal position is for REDMOND vacuum cleaners. It is also worth noting that our "golden mean" is equipped with an active electric brush.The spinning spiral rows of bristles with soft and hard bristles suck up and tighten the dirt, thereby helping the air flow, and bring the REDMOND dust cleaning efficiency to the DYSON level.

Dimensions and weight

Everything is about the same here. The smallest SAMSUNG is 26 × 16.5 × 110, the largest KITFORT is 25 × 26.3 × 120. REDMOND and DYSON are similar, and occupy a middle ground. We can say that the differences are so small that it makes no sense to compare the dimensions of our models. But weight is a matter of principle.

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Model Dimensions The weight
REDMOND RV-UR340 1 200 × 230 × 230 mm 2.1 kg
DYSON V7 Parquet Extra 1 243 x 210 x 250 mm 2.3 kg
SAMSUNG VS6000 1,100 x 260 x 165 mm 2.7 kg
REDMOND RV-UR360 1,230 × 262 × 223 mm 2.9 kg
KITFORT KT-540 1,200 × 250 × 263 mm 3.1 kg

Why is it important that the vertical cordless vacuum cleaner is lightweight? Because its main function is to quickly and easily tidy up a room. Well, for example, the situation: an apartment, an ordinary housewife day. Borsch on the stove, while sculpting pampushka flour fell to the floor, and then the child woke up. Mom takes the baby in one hand and a vacuum cleaner in the other. And in 5 minutes it clears the floor. And only then: the child - in the highchair, the vacuum cleaner - against the wall, borscht - for inspection. Note that the vacuum cleaner is against the wall, and we’ll not just throw it in the middle of the kitchen, crucifying cords and pipes in all directions. The fire on the stove is reduced, the floor is clean, the child is waiting for dinner. Idyll!

Idyll with a vacuum cleaner

The lightest was the REDMOND RV-UR340 vacuum cleaner, and the heaviest was the KITFORT KT-540. This means that the hand of the hostess-mommy from our KITFORT example will get tired faster. DYSON V7 Parquet Extra is also very light - but let's not forget that with its lightness it costs, after all, 2 times more expensive than the "easiest" of the "Redmond family". The second vacuum cleaner of the brand, REDMOND RV-UR360, weighs more - 2.9 kg - but this is due to more serious structural bells and whistles, which will be discussed later.


Each of the vacuum cleaners under consideration includes, in addition to the main brush, a crevice nozzle (everything is standard here) and a nozzle for cleaning furniture. However, the REDMOND brush heads for cleaning the model look the most functional; it is considered “2 in 1”. Because she has a removable corolla from bundles of medium-hard bristles, which makes it truly universal. When the whisk is removed, it turns into a brush for cleaning furniture, and when worn, to clean any local surfaces, for example, the passenger compartment.

Complete set of the vacuum cleaner Redmond

In general, a car is a separate issue. You can go to the sink and entrust the removal of dust to specially trained people. For money. You can buy a good extension cord, connect it to the mains, throw the other end out of the window onto the street, pull out the usual vacuum cleaner there, do the job, constantly knocking the body of the unit on the thresholds of the car. Yes, one description of this process can drive a shiver!

And so it is possible on a nice summer day to slowly go outside with a vertical vacuum cleaner at the ready, by connecting the nozzle directly to the body and in a few minutes to vacuum the interior without much effort and hassle.

Redmond vacuum cleaner for car

By the way, at REDMOND, the combination of brush deflection and rotation angles allows you to lay the pipe flat on the floor, while the brush will more than be pressed firmly against the floor. This technical solution is designed to provide a good vacuum cleaner under any interior items, even with a small clearance from the floor. In fairness, it is worth noting that the DYSON maneuverability and the ability to squeeze to any surface is implemented perfectly - however, as before, the highest price of all review participants can spoil the impression.

Four out of five “contestants” (SAMSUNG fell out of the general row here) have the option of wall mounting a vacuum cleaner. After all, it’s important not only to lean the “dust” against the wall or throw it in the closet, but to hang it on a special hook. So that he certainly didn’t fall, he didn’t move out and didn’t go anywhere. It is logical that it is best to screw such a hook at the outlet - so that while the vacuum cleaner is not used, it can be left in the “hanging” position for charging.But the "hookless" SAMSUNG has such a brush design that allows you to cope well with carpets. But, alas, there is no perfection in the world. The same brush point blank does not "see" small parts on a flat surface.

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Overview of cordless vacuum cleaners - the five best

By picking everyone, DYSON bypasses:

Model Dimensions
KITFORT KT-540 3: crevice, floor brush, pile brush
REDMOND RV-UR340 3 (4): crevice brush, 2-in-1 brush, turbo brush
SAMSUNG VS6000 3 (4): crevice brush, 2-in-1 brush, turbo brush
REDMOND RV-UR360 3 (4) crevice brush, universal brush, 2-in-1 brush
DYSON V7 Parquet Extra 6: crevice, soft roller nozzle, mini electric brush for upholstered furniture, soft brush, hard bristle brush, combo

However, with common sense, it can be understood that SAMSUNG and REDMOND solutions optimize the number of brushes by combining several functions at once. This is how the 2-in-1 brush mentioned above can clean furniture, curtains, and cars. Therefore, for all vacuum cleaners - two REDMOND models and for SAMSUNG VS6000, the number of brushes is indicated as “3 (4)”, which means that the “2-in-1” universal brush is included in the kit. However, it’s a mastery - here everyone can choose a set of brushes to taste and their tasks. At least, based on the interior, the presence of children and pets. After all, breeders of dogs and cats need wool collection nozzles much more often than those who don’t find happiness at home.

Dust collector and filters

Everyone understands that the larger the dust collector, the more dust it can take. And the less often you have to clean it. There is no competition REDMOND - as much as 2 liters! DYSON and KITFORT noticeably lagged behind with 0.54 liters and 0.6 liters, respectively, and SAMSUNG with its 0.25 liters looks completely incomprehensible. However, in addition to the volume of the dust bag, there is another important feature - visibility. At REDMOND and KITFORT dust collectors are transparent, which is very convenient. When you see firsthand the fullness of the container, you can not miss the moment and clean it of accumulated cleaning products in a timely manner.

Large dust collector in a vacuum cleaner Redmond

But the filtration system for all our heroes is different. For example, the cheapest “dust” KITFORT (unlike REDMOND) does not have a pre-engine filter. Because of this, the post-motor HEPA filter "gets" more dust - and this leads to faster wear and loss of performance. But the REPMOND RV-UR360 HEPA filter, due to the presence of a special pre-engine filter, turned out to be almost pristine after the first cleaning.

Wireless vacuum cleaner filter

Speaking of HEPA filters. Mothers of young children, allergy sufferers and those who have some reason especially to care about the cleanliness of the air around them have long been aware of them. Powerful and expensive vacuum filtration systems exist. And this very HEPA filter is positioned as a 100% dust collection filter during cleaning. Those. at the exit you have a clean house and perfect air, without a single admixture of anything harmful. Vacuum cleaner collecting all kinds of surface allergens, which abounds with dust, pet hair and furniture - this is what the HEPA filter promises us. It is worth noting that out of 5 vacuum cleaners participating in the review, 2 are REDMOND brands. So, REDMOND RV-UR340 is a vacuum cleaner without a HEPA filter, but it has its own multi-level filtering system that cleans the house and car almost perfectly. We can say that for people who have no problems with allergies, this model will be universal in terms of the previously described parameters (power, weight, equipment and price). But the second model, REDMOND RV-UR360, is already equipped with a HEPA filter - and is suitable for allergy sufferers and families with small children. It costs about a third more expensive - but it guarantees an ideal healthy cleanliness of the room to those for whom it is vitally important.

Battery and Charging

The type of battery in all models is modern - Li-Ion. The capacity is the same - 2000 mA / h. But the charging time, oddly enough, turned out to be different. It “walks” from 3 hours (SAMSUNG) to 4 hours (REDMOND) and 5 hours (KITFORT). On the other hand, for household vacuum cleaners this is not the most relevant indicator. In the end, an apartment is not a car wash, where, through one, customers are asked to vacuum the interior.And the apartment is not a construction site where you constantly have to clean large surfaces. Therefore, when the apartment is free from dust, the unit is put into the pantry (or suspended from the wall in the corridor), and how much it charges there is not so important. The main thing is that the continuous operation time is sufficient for cleaning. But it is enough. 30 minutes is quite enough even for the most skillful housewife - this is a plus or minus the same indicator for all brands considered in the review. Perhaps KITFORT is slightly weaker - it generally has the weakest characteristics, but it costs the least.

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In general, half an hour is enough time to clean an ordinary average apartment. Indeed, in practice, vertical vacuum cleaners are needed to solve daily local problems. Children gather at school, eat breakfast on the go, scattering bread crumbs from the table to the front door like Hansel and Gretel. Here the dog fusses after a walk, stomping grimy paws. Immediately the vacuum cleaner is removed from the bracket - 3 minutes of work, it’s clean all around, and the “dust” is again on recharge.

Vacuum cleaner carpet and dog


The subjective thing, because much is tied to personal taste and preferences. Among our “five”, perhaps, only SAMSUNG is fundamentally different from the others in its laconic “expanding” case. The vacuum cleaner in places reminds either a fantastic blaster, or Robocop details - it is quite possible that it is interesting in its own way.

The peculiar design of Samsung wireless vacuum cleaners

But in terms of functional design, i.e. one that works for ease of management - REDMOND is probably the coolest here. Like an iPhone with its intuitively oriented interface. The thing is that all the key buttons and joints of REDMOND vacuum cleaners are always radically different, distinctively bright colors. That is, at a quick glance you can understand what to press on - and as you can see, reviews of wireless vacuum cleaners confirm the convenience of bright buttons.

Buttons on vacuum cleaners Redmond

Noise level

And everyone is paying attention to this characteristic. Vacuum cleaner user. His family. And even his neighbors, considering not the most worthy sound insulation of modern new buildings. The best vertical cordless vacuum cleaners are lower than traditional vacuum cleaners. Here again, there are no equal REDMOND - only 70 dB! To make it clearer, it is quieter than the spin of the quietest washing machine. That is, you can work with such a vacuum cleaner during the day when the children are sleeping. Or in the evening when everyone wants silence. And even at night, if suddenly insomnia. SAMSUNG with as many as 83 decibels suddenly turned out to be an anti-leader. According to the League of Health of the Nation, a safe noise level for humans is 20-30 dB, and the allowable limit is just about 80 dB. The performance of the SAMSUNG vacuum cleaner is comparable to the noise emitted by a jackhammer.

Summary: which vertical vacuum cleaner is better to choose?

So, let's draw conclusions - both on the basis of this review, and on user reviews of cordless vacuum cleaners.

Choosing the best vertical wireless vacuum cleaner for your home

The favorite of our review of the best wireless vertical vacuum cleaners is REDMOND - moreover, both models: the more expensive REDMOND RV-UR360 with a HEPA filter, and the democratic (for the price), but functional REDMOND RV-UR340 without a HEPA filter.

Model +
DYSON V7 Parquet Extra Powerful, lightweight, manoeuvrable, 6 nozzles The most expensive
REDMOND RV-UR360 Cleans all surfaces, maneuverable, there is a HEPA filter Not the fastest to charge (4 hours)
SAMSUNG VS6000 Cool design, removable battery can be charged separately at the "base" Small dust collector, noisy, poorly cleans flat surfaces
REDMOND RV-UR340 Cleans all surfaces, maneuverable, there is a multi-level filtering system (almost HEPA) Charging for a long time (6 hours)
KITFORT KT-540 The cheapest Quite noisy, low-power, takes a very long time to charge, the heaviest in weight

The final choice, of course, depends on the preferences of each individual user, but it turns out that REDMOND vacuum cleaners are in the “golden” middle in terms of basic characteristics. They are easy to operate, easy to maintain and store, and cope with various contaminants - but they stand like models with more primitive functionality.

Comments: 5
  1. velenkeff

    I myself use the REDMOND RV-UR360 vacuum cleaner and I do not wish that I preobrel it. It cleans everything that is possible, at first I was surprised that for such a price the vacuum cleaner is very powerful and cleans all surfaces, though as it is written in the article, it takes a very long charge, but this is not very scary. For such a price, this vacuum cleaner is simply worth your attention and purchase, power and quality are at their best!

  2. Andrei

    A convenient REDMOND vacuum cleaner, we are buying the second one, this time as a gift, in general, for such money, an excellent product, a real replacement for a conventional wired vacuum cleaner.

  3. Svetlana

    2 months ago bought bought a wireless vacuum cleaner REDMOND. During use, I can say in the first place immediately felt comfortable. Cleaning the apartment became easier, there is no fatigue after cleaning, it is light and powerful, you do not have to crawl one place 10 times. And the noise level is an order of magnitude lower than that of conventional wired ones. For me, so if someone is choosing which wireless vacuum cleaner is better, I would advise a REDMOND vacuum cleaner that I didn’t regret the purchase, an excellent modern vertical vacuum cleaner

  4. DmitriyS

    I got a cordless vacuum cleaner from Redmond. I have been using it for 2 months and so far I am satisfied with it. It works after charging long enough! For my money, a very worthy option. : idea: : idea: : idea:

  5. Vladimir Shamov

    When I chose to buy a vertical vacuum cleaner, my focus was on REDMOND. The first why I chose it was his famous brand and the second quality of their technology has long been known to everyone and has established itself on the good side. Although after reading some reviews about him, I was surprised that they write so it’s cheap and I’d better think about buying a more expensive one. And here it is worth saying that not everything is good that is expensive. The vacuum cleaner I mentioned above fits perfectly for my needs.

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