TOP 10 best ice cream makers for home

c Choose the best ice cream maker

Purchased ice cream is quite tasty, but cooked at home, it will be even tastier. Making it yourself is not too difficult, as it might seem at first glance, however, you can’t do without special equipment. With the help of such a device as an ice cream maker, it is possible to prepare not only a tasty, but also a very useful product, since it will not contain all kinds of dyes and flavorings. Home-made ice cream compares favorably with those sold in stores.

However, choosing the right ice cream maker is not as easy as it may seem. First of all, there are a lot of similar equipment in household appliance stores, so it is quite easy to get confused in the available assortment. To prevent this from happening to you, we decided to devote our today's review to the best ice cream makers of 2019. Before you begin to consider the operational characteristics of each model, let's take a closer look at what you need to pay attention to when buying this equipment.

What factors are important when choosing an ice cream maker?

Ice cream, which is also called a freezer, is a fairly compact device that includes a bowl for products and a whorl engaged in mixing them. The overall dimensions of the device are small, so it can easily fit even in a small kitchen. Recently, more and more people take such a product with them to the country. You don’t have to spend a lot of money to get homemade ice cream.

There are several types of designs: ice-cream makers are mechanical, electric compressor and semi-automatic. The principle of operation is that the whisk continuously and evenly mixes the products placed in the bowl, achieving the most homogeneous mass, in which there will be no ice cubes and lumps. This product can also be used to prepare other dishes - yogurts, smoothies, fruit ice.

Choose an ice cream maker

The bowls in which the products are mixed are made of stainless steel or plastic. The first material is the most preferred, since it is completely hygienic and completely safe in terms of operation. The fact is that microcracks can form on the plastic bowl, where bacteria multiply. Nothing like this can be allowed, since this container is in direct contact with food, but plastic is much cheaper than steel.

A mechanical ice cream maker requires the direct involvement of the user. First of all, you need to put the bowl to cool in the freezer - this will take at least 12 hours. After that, food is added to it and mixed for 45-50 minutes, and once every two to three minutes it will be necessary to scroll the handle, performing the function of a mixer. A similar design is already obsolete, in addition, it is not very convenient. The cooler here is ice mixed with coarse salt

The semi-automatic ice-cream bowl will be constantly in the freezer. It will fit only one serving of ice cream, which will be prepared in about a day.However, here the user’s participation is minimal: you just have to press the button, after which the portion will be prepared within about 30 minutes. The compressor model is the most modern, in addition, the bowl will not need pre-cooling - the device itself will bring it to the required temperature.

When choosing a device, one must pay attention to the volume of the bowl - the larger the family, the larger this indicator should be. Today on sale you can find products up to 15 liters. In terms of power, this equipment is not too expensive - semi-automatic products consume no more than 35 watts of energy, and automatic ones consume up to 200 watts, while mechanical ones absolutely do not need electricity. Not too long ago, products appeared on the market that, due to their compact size, can also work on batteries.

When compiling our rating of the best ice-cream makers of the year, we took into account all these points, and were also guided by user reviews, as well as the ratio of price and quality. We tried to collect the maximum information on each of the models so that you could appreciate the pros and cons and decide whether it suits you or is it better to look for something else. Now let's analyze the performance of each ice cream maker.

Budget segment

4. Scarlett SC-IM22255

Scarlett SC-IM22255 photo

Very low-cost products, which outwardly are somewhat similar to a thermos. Inside the device is hollow, liquid is poured in it - it will have to be frozen in the freezer. In the cooking process, it will give the product cold. The case is made of high-quality matte plastic, on which various fingerprints, dirt and so on will not be noticeable. The bowl is small, made of high-quality plastic, which perfectly withstands significant temperature changes, does not begin to crack even after prolonged use. its volume is 0.7 liters - for a large family is clearly not enough, but enough for two or three people.

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The power of the device is small. It is only 10 watts, the mass of the product is 2 kg, compact overall dimensions are 18x18x21 cm. The ice cream turns out to be quite soft, no ice floes were noticed in it. The cooking process itself takes a little time - from 10 minutes. If you want to get harder ice cream, you can put the bowl with the finished product for a while in the freezer. It is recommended to store the container in the freezer so that you can cook a treat at any convenient time.


  • High quality workmanship: high-quality plastic both in the bowl and in the body;
  • Long service life;
  • Ice cream is prepared in a matter of minutes;
  • There are no ice floes in the finished dish.


  • Small volume of the bowl;
  • One freezing bowl is enough to prepare just one serving.

3. Steba IC 20

Steba IC 20 pics

This is the first model in our review, which is equipped with a metal bowl with a double wall, and between the walls there is a salt solution that will hold the cold. It must be kept in the freezer for about 12 hours before laying products. The ice-cream box is made of glossy plastic, on which all kinds of contamination, fingerprints will remain. The top is a little rounded, which is also not very convenient. When condensate is drained, it does not completely leave the niche; you have to wipe it dry with a towel. An adapter is also provided, which is also made of plastic. It is a handle, they will be worn on the inner iron case. This helps protect your hands from frostbite.

An engine with a timer is located on the top cover of the product. If necessary, the unit can be pulled out of the cover if you need to wash it yourself. A spatula made of silicone is supplied with the ice cream maker. It is very convenient for them to mix the prepared dish in order to give it greater uniformity.The whole design is assembled and disassembled intuitively, with this, none of the users have any difficulties. It is worth noting an important feature - products must be poured into the bowl when it is already installed in the ice cream maker. Otherwise, they will start to seize near the walls with cold, and the motor may not have enough power to mix them thoroughly.


  • High-quality assembly;
  • Metal bowl;
  • Low power consumption.


  • For filling the mass, the hole is not very convenient;
  • It is not recommended to freeze a bowl with ready-made ice cream, as this can lead to damage.

2. ProfiCook PC-ICM 1140

ProfiCook PC-ICM 1140 photo

This household appliance can be used to make not only ice cream, but also yogurt or sorbet. The model is placed in a case made of stainless steel, which gives it not only additional attractiveness, but also a certain practicality. Fingerprints will not be visible on its surface; moreover, it will not become frosty when a frozen bowl is placed in it. The device is equipped with a liquid crystal display, where all the necessary information will be displayed. The equipment has a digital timer with automatic shutdown, which works in the range from 5 to 45 minutes. Ice cream itself will be prepared within 20-45 minutes. The control panel here is touch.

There is a hole on the lid through which products can be added. The total volume of ready-made ice cream can be 1800 ml. The thicket is made of high quality metal, has double walls, removable. Its dimensions are 14.5 cm high with a diameter of 19.2 cm. The engine runs almost silently. The device is equipped with rubberized legs, which protects it from sliding on the surface. The model is semi-automatic, consumes 12 watts of energy. The power cord is short - only 0.8 meters. The device is equipped with reliable protection against overheating.


  • Very attractive appearance;
  • Metal case;
  • Enough volumetric bowl;
  • Automatically shuts off after completion of the cooking process;
  • Low power consumption
  • It works pretty quietly;
  • The presence of a digital timer.


  • The most expensive in the budget segment.

1. Clatronic ICM 3581

Clatronic ICM 3581 photos

The best ice cream maker in its price segment. The case is made of high quality plastic, which has no odor even in the first applications. The device is equipped with a bowl of medium capacity - 1.2 liters. For a semi-automatic model, the power is quite good - 12 watts. The product is characterized by compact overall dimensions 21x21x23 cm with a mass of less than 2.5 kg. In use, this technique is quite simple, in terms of assembly, there are no complaints from users. According to manufacturers, in the manufacturing process exclusively materials of the highest quality are used, which fully comply with international safety standards.

The bowl should be placed in the freezer about 10 hours before the start of ice cream preparation. The upper part includes a cover with a built-in motor on which a plastic mixer is mounted. If necessary, it can be easily disconnected from the motor and rinsed. The lid has a very convenient opening for loading additional products, for example, chocolate, fruits or berries.

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  • Very convenient to use;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Reasonable cost;
  • The result is a fairly tasty ice cream without much effort.


  • Not found.

The optimum ratio of price and quality

3. Rommelsbacher IM 12

Rommelsbacher IM 12 pics

The product is a universal product that is suitable for making not only ice cream, but also other chilled products - fruit ice, sorbet, frozen yogurt and so on. The design is equipped with a backlit LCD display. There is also a timer for a maximum of 40 minutes.The plastic lid has a convenient enough hole where additional ingredients are added. The bowl is removable, made of stainless steel, its volume is 1.5 liters. The stirring whisk is removable, made of food-grade plastic, and it is very easy to wash. The ice cream maker has reliable protection against overheating, which is triggered when the engine temperature reaches certain limits. Motor power is 12 watts. The device itself is semi-automatic.

The bowl before cooking the product must be kept in the freezer for about 16-18 hours. The equipment case is made of stainless steel that is resistant to damage, so this design will retain its original appearance for a long time. The control here is completely electronic, the overall dimensions are 201x201x235 mm - it does not take up too much free space in the kitchen. Products are manufactured in China under the guidance of German engineers.


  • Pretty roomy bowl;
  • Stylish metal case, without backlashes and extraneous creaks;
  • Long service life;
  • Fully electronic control;
  • Does not need special care;
  • Included is a product for the formation of balls of ice cream;
  • There are all necessary protection systems.


  • When making too thick ice cream, the motor may overheat several times in a row.

2. Nemox Dolce Vita

Nemox Dolce Vita photo

Another unpressurized ice cream maker of household type. It has a double bowl, the outer side of which is made of high-quality plastic that is resistant to temperature extremes, from the inside it is made of stainless steel, carefully polished to a mirror shine. The product has an attractive appearance, it is easy to clean, hygienic in terms of use. The bowl is not subject to scratches. There is a wide and rather convenient opening on the plastic transparent cover for adding the rest of the ingredients. As in other cases, the bowl is preliminarily placed in the freezer and kept for at least 8 hours at a temperature of -18 degrees and below.

It is worth noting that only a washed and thoroughly dried bowl should be put in the freezer. If water remains on it, then it will later turn into ice, which will prevent the lid from closing. As a result, this will lead to the fact that the engine start lock cannot be removed. First, the ice cream maker is fully assembled, the engine is turned on and everything necessary is poured through the holes. The device has a very elegant design, and even the bowl itself. It can be installed on the table in the form of a container for cooling drinks or ice. It is able to maintain a temperature of -10 degrees for 2 hours or more.


  • It works absolutely silently;
  • Engine power is 15 watts;
  • The volume of the bowl is 1.5 liters;
  • The optimum ratio of price and quality;
  • All surfaces are resistant to damage.


  • The power cord is not too long.

1. BRAND 3811

BRAND 3811 photos

We present to your court the first compressor model in our review of the best ice cream makers of the year, which is able to prepare soft and soft ice cream with almost no human involvement. The user can only download all the products and click on the start button of the device. The maximum mass of ready-made ice cream is 1 kg - this amount is enough for a family of four to five people. The device has a very high power - it consumes as much as 220 watts. On the front panel of the equipment there is a liquid crystal display on which all the information necessary for the user will be displayed, including an error message.

The freezer compartment here has double walls, the case is carefully insulated, so you can’t freeze your fingers or palms when working with this equipment. The design is equipped with rubberized legs, the case is made of high quality plastic, it looks very stylish. It is able to fit into the interior of any kitchen. In its overall dimensions, an ice cream maker is similar to a slow cooker. The unit is quite heavy - its mass is as much as 11 kg.


  • There is no need for preliminary freezing of the bowl;
  • Long service life;
  • High quality workmanship and assembly;
  • Fully automatic cooking of ice cream and other dishes.


  • High price.

Premium Devices

3. Gemlux GL-ICM503

Gemlux GL-ICM503 photo

This is a fairly large freezer, characterized by fully automatic preparation of ice cream and other products. At the same time, it has a very high work efficiency - instead of the 60 minutes declared by the manufacturer, ice cream is ready literally in 40-45 minutes. The power of the product is quite high - 150 W, the engine is equipped with overheat protection, it freezes very well. The same can be said about the quality of mixing products. Despite the high level of product power, the unit works quite quietly - about the same as a cooker hood. There are a lot of ready-made ice cream.

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The case is made of stainless steel, which will retain its original appearance for a long time, fingerprints do not remain on it and various kinds of pollution do not accumulate. The power cord is long enough, so you can place the product at a decent distance from the outlet. The front panel has a touch-sensitive liquid crystal display, which is used not only to display the necessary information, but also to control the device. The bowl is made of food grade aluminum. In general, the design is characterized by excellent build quality, easily withstands decent physical loads, while the appearance does not deteriorate at all.


  • Very comfortable and light ice cream bowl;
  • You can cook a large volume at a time;
  • It takes a minimum amount of time to cook one serving;
  • There is a touch display;
  • High power of the product;
  • There is a timer;
  • It works almost silently.


  • Decent overall dimensions;
  • It is quite expensive.

2. Gemlux GL-ICM507

Gemlux GL-ICM507 photo

A very interesting design, in which everything is at a very high level, ranging from design to the functional part. There are three operating modes: ice cream preparation (products are mixed and frozen, this process takes about 60 minutes - during this time the ice cream is completely cooked and freezes well), only cooling and one stirring. This freezer can be used not only at home, but also in small cafes and restaurants with a small number of visitors. The device can be used to prepare soft and hard ice cream, sorbet, chilled and frozen yogurt and other similar desserts.

The control here is entirely electronic, carried out using a touch-sensitive liquid crystal display. A removable aluminum tank with non-stick coating is supplied with the device. The mixer is removable - it is very easy to wash if necessary. In one working cycle, it is possible to prepare about 2 kg of ice cream - such an amount will be quite enough for a large company. The temperature of the finished ice cream is about -10 degrees. If necessary, it can be held for some time in the freezer. Milling cutter consumes a little electricity, practically does not make noise. The case is made of high-quality stainless steel, which gives the product additional style.


  • It runs silently;
  • Attractive appearance;
  • Electronic control;
  • You can make a decent amount of ice cream at one time - enough for a large family or company;
  • High power equipment - 200 watts.


  • The device has a decent mass: it will be problematic to move it from one place to another;
  • It is expensive compared to devices without compressors.

1. Nemox Talent Gelato & Sorbet

Nemox Talent Gelato & Sorbet photo

In terms of the functional part, this unit is really the best ice cream maker. About the same thing can be said about the design and build quality of the device - all this fully justifies the very high cost of this Italian-made equipment. Everything is prepared quite quickly - in just half an hour the model can get from eight to ten servings, regardless of the type of product: ice cream or gelato, as well as yogurt. A removable bucket is supplied with the device, where you can prepare chilled desserts and store them in the refrigerator. In addition, the model is equipped with a spacious bowl, the volume of which is one and a half liters. It is made of food grade stainless steel.

The taste of the finished product is simply excellent. According to the manufacturer, this is achieved thanks to the innovative and patented blade rotation system. It has a double rotational effect. Although the freezer power is far from the highest - 150 W, however, it is quite enough for the product to work qualitatively. The design is original and bright, the device will fit best into the interior of the kitchen, made in the most modern spirit. Cleaning the appliance from food residues is quite simple. The texture of the finished ice cream cream. The product is well suited for both home and professional use.


  • Stunning workmanship;
  • Extended functionality
  • It is convenient to use;
  • Good power level.


  • Expensive product.

In conclusion, a useful video

The review of the best ice cream makers of 2019 has come to its logical conclusion. We have selected for you a lot of different devices, each of which has its own pluses and minuses. We tried to collect a lot of information, however, if you still have questions or unclear points on a particular model, then ask us in the comments to this article. We will try to respond to your messages as quickly as possible.

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